Sustainable development and us

We consistently practice and advocate the concept of sustainable development.

Sustainable Development Strategy

Adhering to the concept of sustainability, that is, on the basis of respecting humans and nature, making contributions to human life, being an explorer and protector of nature.
We strive to provide eco-conscious value to our customers and lead a sustainable future.
In the future, BHF will work with partners to allow more customers to experience BHF's environmentally friendly and high-quality fiber products.
About sustainable development
Sustainable development is closely related to people’s lives

"Sustainable development" refers to the coordinated development of economy, society, resources and environmental protection. They are an inseparable system that achieves the purpose of economic development while protecting the atmosphere, fresh water, oceans, land and forests on which human beings depend for survival. and other natural resources and environment to ensure continued development for future generations. It is an act of wisdom that takes a long-term view on how to meet human needs without sacrificing the rights of future generations. It is a determined run aimed at building an eternal and harmonious ecological community and paving the way for a prosperous oasis for future generations.

Sustainable Development and Us
For BHF, sustainable development is an important value and company strategy

In order to achieve sustainable development, BHF uses environmentally friendly masterbatch coloring methods to replace traditional dyeing processes, saving water and energy consumption and reducing environmental pollution. Recycle high-quality PET beverage bottles and produce recycled fibers with superior and stable quality through strict and advanced process steps to reduce the amount of plastic waste and promote the development of a circular economy. BHF's unique technology is used to change fiber properties and create lifelike imitation leather and wool series to maintain the balance of the ecological system and coexist harmoniously with nature.

Significant Innovation, Breakthrough Progress

Sustainable development and BHF are carriers at two different levels, but when they are connected and produce a "chemical reaction", there will be infinite possibilities.
Sustainable development

BHF's Certification in Sustainable Development

International Certification System
International Security Assurance
International quality certification

GRS Global Recycling Standard Certification

Has GRS Global Recycling Standard certification. Sections cover: social responsibility part, environmental part, chemicals part, product recycled content and supply chain requirements.

OBP Ocean Borders Plastic Recycling Certification

OBP Ocean Boundary Plastic Recycling Certification is applicable to the river or ocean boundary plastic recycling industry chain. Jiagai collects defined plastic waste, uses recycled materials as raw materials to process raw materials into products and sells them.

STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEXO® certified

Obtained Swiss STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEXO® certification, ecological textile label. Test content includes: formaldehyde, heavy metals, chlorinated phenol (PCP/TeCP) and OPP, azo fuels, etc.

FDA food grade certification

"BPA Free". The European Union believes that baby bottles containing bisphenol A will induce precocious puberty, and will ban the production of baby bottles containing the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) from March 2, 2011. Now it has been expanded to safety requirements in the field of textiles.

ISO 9001 quality management system certification

It is based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and is the most mature set of management systems and standards in the world. More than 750,000 organizations in 161 countries around the world are using this framework.

BHF Commitment

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Reduce negative impacts on the environment, adopt energy conservation and emission reduction measures,
optimize waste management and recycling, reduce carbon emissions, protect biodiversity, etc.
Eco-design and biodegradability:
Reduce our emissions into the air, water and soil.

Social Responsibility:

Pay attention to employee welfare and rights, provide an equal and fair working environment, ensure the safety and health of employees, actively participate in community development and public welfare undertakings, and promote social justice and inclusion.

Comply with Ethical Standards

Observe high standards of ethics and business conduct, insist on operating with integrity, reject corruption and unfair means, maintain fair competition, and ensure transparency and compliance in business activities.

Resource Management

Reasonably manage and utilize resources, including water, energy, raw materials, etc., adopt efficient production methods, reduce waste, promote sustainable procurement and supply chain management, and promote the sustainable use of resources.

Innovation and R&D:

Strengthen innovation and research and development, promote the development of sustainable technologies and solutions, and make greater contributions to sustainable development.

In the future, BHF will take action on these commitments on the path of sustainable development and assume responsibility for society, the environment and future generations.

Join Us as a Sustainability Partner

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