Jiangsu Xingheng Composite Materials Co., Ltd. Fiber Tag Application Form

Please fill in this form and provide the following materials for filing: 2 meters of entire finished sample fabric containing the brand fiber required for application, scanned copies of purchase contracts or invoices for fiber, fabric and garment orders.
The issuance of an applied-for hangtag does not mean or equate to the authorization of the retailer, brand owner or recipient to reproduce or use the trademark of the brand fiber in any promotion, advertising or marketing activities, except for direct placement on the confirmed end product. The hangtag applied for. If the company is interested in promoting the brand fiber trademark in other fields in addition to using these hangtags, please contact the marketing representative of Dianheng Company to sign a "Trademark Use License Agreement." Unauthorized use of trademarks is unlawful and will result in relevant penalties.
Contact person
A. Applicant(Please select one)
  • Spinning mill
  • Fabric factory
  • End product manufacturer
  • Brand/Retailer
Applcant's name:
Company Name:
Email address:
B. Tag shipping information
Company Name:
Shipping address & postal code:
Email address:
C. Type of fiber used
D.Yarn information(including yarn information for fiber application for hanging tag):
Yarn manufacturer1:
Yarn ingredients1:
Yarn purchase invoice number1:
Yarn manufacturer2:
Yarn composition2:
Yarn purchase invoice number2:
Add manufacturer
*If you need to fill in the multi thread supplier, please fill in yarn manufacturer 2; If none, please ignore
E.Fabric information
Fabric manufacturer:
Fabric composition radio:
Fabric number:
Price range:
F.Tag application
Number of applications
PCS (needs to match final garment purchase order,2% reserved loss allowed)
Retailers/brands/garment traders:
Contact person:
Contact person:
Terminal product application1:
Clothing materials1:
Clothing style number1:
*Remarks:if one cloth is used for multiple purposes,please fill it in;if not,please ignore it.
The following is filled in by Dian Heng Company:
Tag order number: